These are offered with one aim...

to impart a passion TO YOUR PEOPLE TO PRAY that renews current leadership, expandS their capacity to lead well and produces a fresh pool of leaders with new and dynamic ministries.


Pray The Way Package


Creating a Culture of Prayer in Your Congregation:  Shift the culture of your congregation from 20% of the people doing 80% of the work to seeing more leaders and new people beginning their faith journey.  We accomplish this through The Prayer Intreat (casting a larger and more life-giving vision of prayer), The Prayer Room (teaching and consulting to implement a culture of prayer), and Spiritual Direction (to keep your leaders fresh for the at times and seasons arduous and yet always joyful journey of prayer).  Anticipate increased unity in your congregation, more leaders, as well as a more dynamic spirituality amongst your people with implications that connect you to those beyond the walls.  We've seen it in churches of various sizes.

Living Sabbatical Packages


Creating a Culture of Rested Leaders:  Churches are understaffed and overwhelmed for the amount of people they have to care for.  

People are overrun with things to do and "lack time" to commit to life together in the church.  The Inner Hue brings a specialized, highly skilled ministry with extensive training and a quality track record to help your people find greater freedom from a life of "time constraints" and your leaders to discover a deeper source avoiding burnout.  Pastors* also experience the temptation to begin "phoning in the ministry" due to the demands before them on a daily basis.  

What if all three groups had access to a regular rhythm of resting in Christ together?  This is the aim of our Pastors' Living Sabbatical (Soul Restoration for Pastors), Small Groups for Leaders (refreshing for existing leaders) and Small Group Incubators (Catalyst for new leaders).

These spiritual formation tracks of The Inner Hue ministry run for 1 year and feature 10 months of Focused Group Spiritual Direction with customized retreats in the other 2 months (these are shaped together by the person and The Inner Hue).

* Please note that Pastors groups are comprised of only pastors.

Customized Packages


What Would Your Church Look Like In Seven Months If The Obstacles To Individual Discipleship You Currently Faced Were Not There?


If the top 3 struggles you were currently experiencing in your church were not there what would be happening through your church in your community?  If you could wave a wand and you are doing exactly what you believe you are called to with your community of faith tomorrow what would tomorrow look like?  How might The Inner Hue help accelerate these dreams?