Heartbreaking Connection...
/There are many things in life that will break our heart. Most of the time these heartbreaks are defined by things we've lost. We lose lovers. We lose status. We lose friends. We lose our way in the world as society changes rapidly and relentlessly. Our hearts break.
I'd like to talk to you about a different heartbreak--a heartbreak that brings connection.
The older among us know more about this heartbreak than the "young lovers." As we grow older and society sidelines us by ceasing to market their products to us (trying to convince us we will never die) we begin to long for the things of life that really matter: connection.
Connection is hard to come by when we are young. We tend to be focused here on things, attributes, common interests, similar socioeconomic strata and more. The irrelevance that comes with aging in a society that worships youth (how many parents do you know that allow their kids to determine their lives) is almost depressing for those above 50.
There is a freedom that comes with age, however, when you are no longer a part of the rat race. The freedom? Being alone. When we begin to be alone we begin getting to know ourselves. And when we begin to get to know ourselves we discover the gift of having a self to offer to another. This is the beginning of living connected with others. Most of us would rather stay in the rat race of things, being a part of the in crowd societally, consuming (so we have a purpose) -- just to have a sense of belonging -- although it does nothing but strip our gears and add to our stress making us age faster without the living that can come with age.
Be encouraged to let go of the things you cling to so that we might be freed up to received the gift of ourselves and so begin to offer our lives to others. There's nothing to hide behind as we age--may we receive the gift of years (Check out Joan Chittister's book, The Gift of Years) and begin offering ourselves to one another.
Oh yeah, one more thing, the word alone has roots that mean all + one. The faster we let go of what society seeks to compulsively addict us to while we are younger, the more we will be able to realize we were never alone to begin with--we were all one--connected.
"Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." Matthew 10:39, NIV